Expanding YouSCE horizons - Youth ambassadors of the SCE program

  • Become a tutor for our future European Civic Service volunteers
  • Develop your own solidarity, European and intercultural projects: conceptualization, planning and management.
  • Participate in the development and advocacy of European civic service
  • Take part in our European projects such as youth exchanges, meetings and events.

Would you like to become an ambassador for a youth program?

Join our community on Telegram, and write to us with the hashtag #AmbassadorYouSCE and we'll get back to you with a registration form.
We speak French, English, Spanish, Italian and German.


Together.eu is the platform of the European Parliament where you can find all the events organized by our ambassadors, actors of the future of Europe.

Register by scanning this QR code or by clicking on the button below.


Our promos of the European civic service