Collectif pour un Service Civique Européen


Are you a European youth organization?

Join our European civic service network:

  1. You are an accredited European Solidarity Corps organization and would like to take part in an exchange network (hosting and/or sending) of European volunteers,
  2. You are an accredited Service civique or national youth volunteer program interested in hosting young Europeans,
  3. You host European volunteers, but would like to expand the mechanism and develop a European civic service pilot project, mixing your national young people with your European volunteers,
  4. Or a youth organization offering European projects?


Unis cité Metz

Complete SCE scheme
10 french/10 europeans

Unis cité Strasbourg

Complete SCE scheme
10 french/10 europeans

Unis cité Angers

Complete SCE scheme
5 french/5 europeans

Unis cité Saint-Etienne

Complete SCE scheme
4 french/4 europeans

Unis cité Tours

Complete SCE scheme
5 french/5 europeans

Unis cité Caen

Complete SCE scheme
6 french/6 europeans


Caritas Trägergesellschaft Saarbrücken

ASC Göttingen

Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

SHG Freiwilligendienste

Haus der offenen Tuer Sinzig

In Via Koeln

In Via Stuttgart

ICE Dresden

European Ways Leipzig

Spohns Haus


Österreichisches rotes Kreuz

Caritas Vorarlberg



Bir Onlus

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Porta Nuova Europa

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Inco Molfetta

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Associazione JOINT

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Scambi Europei

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Cooperativa Immaginaria

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

YMCA Siderno

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Inco Trento

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Malta Council for Voluntary Sector

Complete SCE scheme
4 malteses/4 europeans

AAA Sanctuary

Host volunteers/MCVS LEAD
2 malteses/2 europeans


Host volunteers/MCVS LEAD
2 malteses/2 europeans

Agenzija Sapport

Complete SCE scheme
2 malteses/2 europeans



Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

ActionAid Hellas

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


ActionAid Hellas

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Coordinadora Vallecas

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Yes Europa

Partial SCE scheme
Sending european volunteers

Fundacio Voluntaria Catalana

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Asociacion Mundus

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Arrabal Aid

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers



Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Check-In Voluneering

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Rota Jovem

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Live with Earth

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Clube Intercultural Europeu

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


National Youth Foundation

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Curba de cultura

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Fundatia Bucurestii Noi

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Asociatia Culturala Pentru Teatru si Origami Din Romania - A.C.T.O.R

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers


Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Creative plus

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers



Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Czech Republic

Dobrovolnické centrum

Pilot project SCE - 2023
4 czechs/4 europeans


Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu Gdansk

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu Warsaw

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu Kielce

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Semper Avanti

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Centrum Youth Mobility and Cooperation

Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers



Exchange of european volunteers



Partial SCE scheme
Exchange of european volunteers

Network of French institutions in the "diplomatic cultural missions" civic service scheme

French institute of Praga

French Institute of Athens

French high-school of Athens

Chamber of commerces Warsaw