Collectif pour un Service Civique Européen
- 14 passage de clichy
75018 Paris

What We Are Looking For:
- Are you a European youth organization with a passion for civic/volunteering engagement?
- Are you an accredited European Solidarity Corps organization interested in joining an exchange network for hosting and/or sending European volunteers?
- Are you accredited under the Service Civique or another national youth volunteer program and interested in hosting young Europeans?
- Are you hosting European volunteers but keen to expand your program by developing a European civic service pilot project?
- Are you a youth organization offering European projects and seeking new collaboration opportunities?
Why Join Us?
- Be part of a vibrant European exchange of youth in civic service and long-term volunteering schemes.
- Receive youth volunteers who are already committed to full-time volunteering, equipped with language skills, and have undergone training.
- Participate in the advocacy for the European civic service, helping shape its future.
- Build European youth projects with the support of our organization, which has extensive expertise in writing and managing European projects.
- Access a network of active partners from across Europe, fostering collaboration and innovation.